Batman Arkham Knight-CPY

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Batman Arkham Knight-CPY 
Release Name....... Batman.Arkham.Knight-CPY 
Release Date....... 28/07/2015 
Shop Release Date.. 23/06/2015 
Format............. Iso 
Release............ Game 
Kind............... Action 
Protection......... SteamDenuvo 


In the fourth and final installment of the Arkham Series, Bruce Wayne sets out into the night once again to thwart the plans of Scarecrow, Harley Quinn and Two-Face when they're supplied with weapons from the Penguin in their attempt to hunt the Knight and take his head.

Batman: Arkham Knight brings the award-winning Arkham trilogy from 
Rocksteady Studios to its epic conclusion. Developed exclusively for 
New-Gen platforms, Batman: Arkham Knight introduces Rocksteady's 
uniquely designed version of the Batmobile. The highly anticipated 
addition of this legendary vehicle, combined with the acclaimed game 
play of the Arkham series, offers gamers the ultimate and complete 
Batman experience as they tear through the streets and soar across 
the skyline of the entirety of Gotham City. In this explosive finale, 
Batman faces the ultimate threat against the city that he is sworn to 
protect, as Scarecrow returns to unite the super criminals of Gotham 
and destroy the Batman forever 
Be The Batman - Live the complete Batman experience as the Dark Knight 
enters the concluding chapter of Rocksteady's Arkham trilogy. Players 
will become The World's Greatest Detective like never before with the 
introduction of the Batmobile and enhancements to signature features 
such as FreeFlow Combat, stealth, forensics and navigation 
Introducing the Batmobile - The Batmobile is brought to life with a 
completely new and original design featuring a distinct visual appea 
rance and a full range of on-board high-tech gadgetry. Designed to be 
fully drivable throughout the game world and capable of transformation 
from high speed pursuit mode to military grade battle mode, this 
legendary vehicle sits at the heart of the game's design and allows 
players to tear through the streets at incredible speeds in pursuit of 
Gotham City's most dangerous villains 
The Epic Conclusion to Rocksteady's Arkham Trilogy - Batman: Arkham 
Knight brings all-out war to Gotham City. The hit-and-run skirmishes of 
Batman: Arkham Asylum, which escalated into the devastating conspiracy 
against the inmates in Batman: Arkham City, culminates in the ultimate 
showdown for the future of Gotham. At the mercy of Scarecrow, the fate 
of the city hangs in the balance as he is joined by the Arkham Knight, 
a completely new and original character in the Batman universe, as well 
as a huge roster of other infamous villains including Harley Quinn, The 
Penguin, Two-Face and the Riddler 

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